Providing a luxurious experience with a classic feel THROUGH A VARIETY OF HIGH QUALITY GROOMING SERVICES AND PRODUCTS.
At Brotherly Love Grooming Salon we provide a luxurious experience with a classic feel. Our highly skilled professionals aim to please all who walk through the door. We provide a safe and friendly environment with a family feel. We live strongly by the slogan “come as a stranger, leave as family”. We treat each client as if they are family with no shortcuts. We offer a high quality variety of grooming services and products for your hair and skincare.
“At Brotherly Love Grooming Salon if you walk in as a stranger, you leave as family.”

Our Services
The safety of our clients and employees is our highest priority. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or if you have been exposed to a COVID positive individual to please reschedule your appointment. Our appointments are spaced out to allow proper cleaning between clients. We ask that only the individual(s) getting serviced come to the appointment as we currently do not have our waiting room open. Face masks must be worn for the entire duration of your appointment and will only be removed to provide beard services.
Please be respectful of the establishment. There will be a $15 late fee after you are 15 minutes late. There are no exceptions. No call no show clients will be responsible for paying for their service that was missed IN FULL before scheduling another service. Please call/text if you are running a few minutes late or for cancellations.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.